Monday, July 25, 2016

#transfers #temple #baptisms

Wowzers! Well, after six wonderful months in Eastgate, I will be leaving tomorrow:(. Where to, I do not know... I find out later tonight! I am going to miss my lovely companion, Sister Evensen, but she is training a new missionary, and she will be totally AMAZING!! And I am going to be a Sister Training Leader somewhere — and am excited for the challenges and growth that will come along with this new assignment :). I will miss Eastgate SO MUCH... but feel extremely BLESSED because this past week was a wicked awesome way to end my time here! 

Friday was a ward ice cream social, and 'J' and 'C' came, along with their sisters and 'J's girlfriend! And they all had a great time. The weather miraculously became cool for us that evening, so it was beautiful:).

At the ward Ice Cream Social

On Saturday, Sister Evensen and I had the wonderful opportunity of going to the temple with Sister 'R'!! While we were there, I ran into a lot of my missionary friends — It was awesome! Such a spiritual experience... and Sister 'R' absolutely LOVED it.

We got to go to the temple with Sister 'R'
Saw some of my favorites at the temple on Saturday!!!
MTC friends :)

Later that night, 'J' and 'C' were baptized and then they were confirmed members on Sunday!! Their baptisms were amazing and 'J' bore the most beautiful testimony ever — It literally brought me to tears and I felt privileged to be there and to have witnessed them taking this important step in their lives!

Baptisms :)
President & Sister Welch (they came to the baptisms!), me, and Sister E

I have grown to love this ward so much and it truly has been magnificent being able to spend time here and serve in Eastgate! I will miss EVERYONE so much...

Me with the Reeve's (We live in their house... they are my FAVORITES!!!)

I know this is super short, but I gotta go pack!!

Love you all! Sister Feil

Monday, July 18, 2016

Short & Sweet...

Hey All... This week was FANTASTIC!!

Sister Evensen:  "It's almost Visalia!"

Sister Evensen and I have just been working hard... especially with "J" and "C". I have grown to love those two so much and we have had some sweet experiences this past week with them  it has been pure joy working with them!

THIS was in someone's BACKYARD... So obviously we HAD to take a Titanic pic — LOL!

Lots of service. Lots of sweating because of humidity. Many large bug bites.

We went to make bread and tortilla's at the Nolan household this morning. SO FUN!
These kids are simply ADORABLE :).

I will give more details next week...

Meanwhile stay golden.

Love you all!

Sister Feil

Because we really don't take enough pics...


Monday, July 11, 2016

A Fabulous Week!

Hey all! Wednesday was BLOODY HOT! Like really. Sister Evensen and I went to a member's home to help her weed her garden and by the time we had been outside less than 10 minutes I was totally dripping sweat... no joke! Let me tell you — this humidity can be quite miserable at times! Some days are better than others, but that day was particularly hot and nasty — oh boy... I can honestly say that I love just about everything about Cincinnati but the humidity!

Look how green Cincinnati is!!

But Wednesday was awesome because we had the chance to meet with "N" again and teach her about the Book of Mormon, and she is so excited to read it while she is on vacation! We also had the opportunity to teach "J" in one of our members' homes, and it was incredible because he practically taught himself the Word of Wisdom. We asked him what he will change in his life because he knows this message is true, and he said that he'll live a better lifestyle. He's like, "Yeah, I heard you don't drink coffee or tea. I am ready to live that way too." SO COOL. HE IS SERIOUSLY SO PREPARED.

Thursday we had our first interviews with President and Sister Welch, and they're just incredible. I loved getting to know them, telling them about myself, and talking about those we are working with!!!

Me and my cute companion...

Friday was seriously so weird... we had an appointment at noon with some less actives and they didn't answer the door. SO! On to the backups.... and literally no one was outside. It was starting to get dark and dreary, and then we spotted some nurses on a smoking break and decided to go and talk with them. And then, completely out of nowhere, a dark cloud covered us and it suddenly started pouring rain and was super windy!! We were like a quarter of a mile away from our car and you would have laughed so hard if you could have seen us booking back to it! I ran as fast as I could -- but my shoes are so worn that there was very little to no traction on them so I was barely moving... HAHA! Those poor shoes might have to be tossed soon... which is a shame because they are my absolute favorite... but that is besides the point. It was a super weird change of weather that happened in an instant! That is Cincinnati for ya!

My STL's borrowed my camera & took a million selfies... LOVE them to death! Shout out to Sister Westbrook and Sister Baker!

That night we had dinner at a member's with "J" and it was awesome! We taught him about tithing and it makes complete sense to him. We ended up seeing him on Saturday too. We met him at a park to teach him about some other commandments, and he is just so ready to follow them all! Sunday after church, he joined us for another dinner with another member family and that was a blast. And tonight we will be going to the Bishop's with him for a FHE. Hopefully his little brother will be able to join us! But they are awesome, and we feel so so BLESSED to be working with them.

Well... I had a wonderful week, how about you?? Shout out to my brother and sister in law, Nate and Lyndsay, for their open house celebrations! Looked like they were a blast, love you both lots and my parents for sending me all the wonderful pictures of the fantastic job they did on their party planning!

Love you all!

Love, Sister Feil

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Hey all! So! This has been another incredible week! Tuesday I was on exchanges in Cherry Grove with Sister Westbrook, and we had two service projects that both involved weeding! That seems to be an extremely popular service activity for this time of year... we also helped weed two other member's yards and have two more scheduled for next week!

Friday we drove to Montgomery to meet President and Sister Welch for the first time! And they are wonderful! They greeted us all individually, and then they both spoke and we watched a video presentation. Then they had a little 'Q & A' sesh, and some people asked some pretty funny questions. One Elder asked what one of the most embarrassing things was that ever happened to them, and let's just say President Welch may or may not be the reason the white handbook talks about not joking about terrorism... lol... Anyways, they are great! And I love them so much already! We will have interviews on Thursday so I will get to know them even better then!(:

Okay! So! We have been working with some of the coolest people. "J" and "C" are still progressing well! They both came to church on Sunday and loved it. "C" is eleven and sat by me in sacrament meeting, and people were saying 'Amen' a lot because it was testimony meeting and he would sometimes say it too late and then he would be like, "AHHH! Dang it... I was late!" It was the cutest thing! Their family isn't interested at all, but "J" and "C" have been learning so much and have been receiving more answers to their prayers! Sister Evensen and I are having so much fun working with them.

We also met this lady named "N" who has a nine year old daughter, "L", and she is so elect. She and the member that was with us just hit it off super well, and she has already told us that she knew she was meant to meet us — because she has been searching for a church that would help her have peace and raise her daughter well, and she doesn't agree with the teachings she was brought up with. We had another lesson with her on Sunday where we taught the Restoration and she said it makes so much sense! And she is so excited to start reading the Book Of Mormon  isn't that just the best?!?  She even told us that she is friends with a mormon girl on facebook that she went to high school with and she aspires to be like her. Well, "N" is now preparing to be baptized on August 13th!(: She is the sweetest and we are beyond excited to work with her as well!

So, for the fourth of July, we had a finding challenge, and Sister E and I found 5 new investigators! It was so cool! And our zone actually came in first place for the challenge so WOO HOO! And then we went in early at 6, per request of the assistants, so we had time to clean and study and have a nice dinner and whatnot. And we heard the fireworks! YAY for America's Independence!

Well, I hope you all had a fabulous week! Till next time...

Love, Sister Feil